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Hello there! I'm Leslie, and I'm excited to welcome you to Say & Read. Our platform is dedicated to delivering valuable information and digital resources designed for SLPs, educators, dyslexia interventionists, parents, new business owners and individuals in private practice. I've carefully crafted products with adaptability in mind, suitable for both in-person and teletherapy settings. Feel free to explore my digital freebies, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Tutor Pack
Tutor Pack provides 42 editable forms to help you manage and grow your private tutoring business. Tutor Pack offers a variety of documents and forms to help you establish systems, organization and documentation.
Free Resources
Click the link below to get free resources for the areas of speech, language and literacy.
The SLP Pack consists of forms dedicated to the busy school-based speech-language pathologist. With over 22 forms from 20 categories, this product provides forms to help SLPs stay organized while managing caseloads. Click the link below to learn more about what this product has to offer.
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